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Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

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Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:22 pm

Yo im trying to make the coolest best synth possible with flowstone. i already have a good rough demo and a plan. I just have a few problems and i would love to speak with an experienced Flowstone developer.
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:32 pm

My major problem that stumped me right now is AHDSR Retriggering with my Step LFO. My AHDSR is attached to a pitch in the matrix. My step lfo is attached to the OSC Volume. Goal is to retrigger the AHDSR with the Step lfo so that it constantly shoots the adsr pitch as well as shooting the volume gate.
I just cant figure out how to retrigger the AHDSR with the Step LFO in the matrix. Idk if im attaching things wrong or what but its a major part of this synth and i cant figure it out.
Plz help
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby Spogg » Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:30 am

Could you please post the schematic itself? Then we can offer help.

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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:04 am

Spogg wrote:Could you please post the schematic itself? Then we can offer help.


okay hopefully it works
Clone trooper MINIGUN SYNTH Order 66.fsm
ZAYNE CLONE TROOPER SYNTH rough cut - Plz keep this lowkey
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby Spogg » Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:27 pm

To trigger an envelope you need to set the envelope to Gate (in properties view) and supply a stream Boolean signal.

I’ve made a simple DSP which triggers the envelope when the Step sequencer output goes above zero. I set the matrix to control the pitch so you could hear the result. If adjacent bars on the step sequencer are set above zero you only get one env trigger until a zero bar is encountered.

Maybe this will give you an insight…
Clone trooper MINIGUN SYNTH Order 66 spogg dev 1 .fsm
FS 3.06
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:28 pm

Spogg ur the fricken BEST !!!! Its working good now THANK U !!!!
Theres only one final problem...
The AHDSR only works if the Step LFO is on.

I turn up the OSC 2 vol Amp. and in the matrix only have AHDSR to Osc 2 Pitch. The AHDSR has no effect until u turn on the step LFO. Idk if there's a way to fix this but i still rly LOVE how it sounds right now!!! :)
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby Spogg » Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:31 am

You would need a selector for the env’s bool gate input to switch between the Step seq gate and the gate signal provided by the Voices to Poly prim. That way you choose one type of gating: Step or regular.
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Sun Apr 30, 2023 12:31 pm

thanks Spogg !!!! i have a "automatic" and "single fire" mode now. :D
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby zayne » Mon May 01, 2023 9:03 am

Everything was perfect but now theres a weird bug i cant fix. Whenever u adjust the Step LFO Smooth knob, the sound plays forever and wont stop. I rly like smoothing the Lfo for some presets so its important i need to fix this :roll: :?:
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Re: Hiring someone to help me with Flowstone Synth

Postby Spogg » Mon May 01, 2023 11:07 am

That’s down to the fact that when you set smoothing the output won’t drop to zero so it won’t retrigger the env gate when it goes up again.

You need to take an output from the step LFO before it gets smoothed and use that for the gate control.
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