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Bring Back aka Flowstone 4 alpha (FS4)

For general discussion related FlowStone

Bring Back aka Flowstone 4 alpha (FS4)

Postby pwesynthmaker » Wed May 08, 2024 5:35 pm

Bring Back
aka Flowstone 4 alpha (FS4)

I recently discovered that Ableton Live prefers
Flowstone (x64).dll VST2 plugins.

This requires FlowStone_v3.0.9b2-3484-g7792583\FlowStone64.exe
in order to export the x64 version vst/vsti.

This is the 'Beta Version' that requires a prior
Active Licensed Flowstone Upgrade in order to obtain the
approved download of it. As a 'troll deterrent'...

I do not post Beta Version Schematics in this forum.
Furthermore, I only export the vsts in v3.0.9 from unmodified v3.0.6 Schematics.
Because they work quite well if the original v3.0.6
Schematic design is stable and compatible.

It has been more than 9 years since the last
commercially available stable version
which is not my preference and although my upgrade
has expired I shall await v4 commercial release
prior to reinvestment.

In conclusion, all new 'Flowstoners' needs be aware of
these facts and so informed to obtain Flowstone 4 alpha )FS4).
Desiring to obtain it and finding out it exist shortly
after upgrade expiration is ???

Yet, this is often the case because Flowstone is a phenomenally
innovative software and I was mesmerized by it for over a year
before I even had a clue.
I learned to crawl, walk and then run and found out about
the 64-bit 'Alpha' and immediately renewed my upgrade to
be allowed the privilege of having the prototype.
Flowstone is worth not just x2 in value it is priceless.

Please do not criticize this post and if you own Flowstone and/or Alpha
Please support and assist MyCo in development.

P.S. For those interested I highly recommend the purchase. ... fstone.htm
Inventor eFX Technology FlowStone WebPage
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