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(Suggestion) Flowstone UI Features

For general discussion related FlowStone

(Suggestion) Flowstone UI Features

Postby Perfect Human Interface » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:07 pm

So is this the place to put feature suggestions?

A couple of usability things I'd really like to see:

1) The ability to move all connections attached to or originating from one connector to another. This could be done with a simple Ctrl- or Shift-click and drag. So when I have a module with 7 connectors snaking out of it across the schematic and decide I want to replace it with something else, I can simply drag the existing connectors to the new module and be done. This would be a big improvement.

Edit: Just found the "swap links" feature. Still could be helpful to move multiple links as suggested, but glad to know this feature exists at least!
Edit 2: Eh?? Did they remove it? I'm slapping my forehead here...

2) The ability to apply layout mutations to a selection of components. In other words, say I select all the components in the schematic, I could then click and drag the edge of the selection to "stretch" the components out, increasing the spacing between them. This is for when things end up to cramped and you need more space to work with.

Both suggestions would be straightforward features that could greatly aid workflow.
Perfect Human Interface
Posts: 643
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:32 pm

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