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3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

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3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

Postby Duckett » Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:39 am

Anyone else get quirkiness when it comes to audio drivers? 3.06 has decided it's going to promptly crash upon selecting from the ASIO Out list- so, I've had to switch anything I open to DS Out in order to work on anything. In case people are wondering, I'm running Win 7 x64, my ASIO is from my Firewire-connected Saffire Pro 14, and I'm also running Voicemeeter. It doesn't matter if I select the Saffire or the Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO- FS just hates it all of a sudden.

Also, I wish Auto-Recovery actually was something usable, instead of having to keep it switched off in order to keep FS from crashing on restart after a mid=project crash. I know there's very few people with very little time to keep development chugging forward, so I'm not really expecting a whole lot of progress on stable updates- and I know anything like FS where the engine's running as long as a schematic is open tends to be more crash-prone, so I'll just keep my fingers crossed, and save early and often.
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Re: 3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

Postby tulamide » Tue Feb 12, 2019 11:05 am

I use ASIO4ALL, but also have Voicemeeter installed. Win 10. That's why I would propose to first try ASIO4ALL. If that works, it has definitely something to do with the driver of the Saffire (or its communication with it).
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Re: 3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

Postby Spogg » Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:29 pm

I used Voicemeeter Banana for some time but it caused me random grief using ASIO. I used it to record Reaper-based synth demos for YouTube with OBS screen capture, but I got random clicks on the sound and sound break-up issues below a buffer size of 20mS. I also had to sometimes restart the Reaper audio out and/or the Voicemeeter engine.

In the end I uninstalled it and now use the motherboard’s sound to record the Scarlett 6i6 output. That works just fine. It’s a pity, but there you go.

I’m not saying that Voicemeeter is the problem in this case, but you could try removing it.

Does the crash happen if you have no connection to the ASIO prims and just select the driver? Also, what about starting a new project with just the ASIO prims. Does it happen then? Does it crash when using any schematic?

I’ve had this happen myself when a schematic is faulty somehow. When the ASIO is first turned on a lot starts to happen in the schematic, especially in the Blue sections. Also Ruby switches over to the audio stream for clocking.

The puzzle for me is that you say it works with DirectSound. This does suggest a driver issue.

Let us know how you get on and maybe we can help a bit more.
BTW I'm on Win 7 32 bit with a Core i7 CPU.

Good luck!

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Re: 3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

Postby Duckett » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:00 pm

Thanks for the replies, tulamide and Spogg. (As an aside, I'm sure you're both aware of this, but the sake of others who might be reading the thread, I'll mention that another cause of insta-crashing on starting FS is a module that's 0 KB in size/corrupted somehow... if you've cleared the Recovery folder and it's still crashing on startup, check the \AppData\Roaming\FlowStone\Modules\User folder for the likely culprit, delete it and try again.)

So, after pondering, I asked myself whether my Voicemeeter Banana was up to date, and lo, it was not. Took care of that. Downloaded and installed ASIO4All (it had been years since trying it), and finally got Saffire's ASIO working... after a few crashes/freezes where either ASIO or DS Out-connected projects would initialize OK, but didn't like me even clicking on either flavor of audio out module. Those delightful crashes where "End Process" does nothing until FS is damn good and ready to un-zombie. Many reboots and making sure all audio devices were on the same page later, ASIO works (and so much less cludgy than Direct Sound).

Thanks again to both of you for the replies, and also all the help, .fsm's, and synths/effects made available to us unwashed heathen. I'm still working on Quaint and a few other things. Caster sounds great BTW ;)
We have to train ourselves so that we can improvise on anything... a bird, a sock, a fuming beaker! This, too, can be music. Anything can be music. -Biff Debris
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Re: 3.06 doesn't like my ASIO any more?

Postby pwesynthmaker » Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:05 am

I use Voicemeeter (w/FS 3.06) ... mainly because it allows multiple instances of soundcard inputs/outputs for simultaneous fs/daw/soundcard operations. With Voicemeeter 'virtual' cable addon it is quite flexible. To avoid problems during 'live' takes I simply shut it off and set my soundcard record/play to whatever works best. I keep a notepad reference for the settings to avoid losing track of 'what-did-when-do' or just plain lose track during multitasking. What's indispensable about it is I can export an fsm as an executable or even a dll and run it in the daw and test it without even having to shutdown FS while working on a schematic ...sorta-maybe-sometimes ... fs shutdown .... does save a lot of time for modifying projects on the fly. ASIO-wise and 'live' ... no.

As far as 'live' goes ...
I recently purchased SoundBlaster Play! 3 USB soundcard adaptor and it is fairly inexpensive (approx. 1 USD 'Jackson') and works with asio. I have all sorts of audio equipment and this is the only external computer usb soundcard that I found works very well and is compatible with all my daws and equipment.

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