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The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

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The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby Spogg » Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:33 am

This stereo chorus is quite different to the conventional ones, and uses a technique I think I invented because I’ve found no mention of it anywhere (yet!). COD stands for Cross-fading Of Delays and has nothing to do with the Atlantic fish!

Ok, it’s confession time.
I came across this accidentally while experimenting with cross-fading a chain of fixed-time delays. If you have a look in the schematic you’ll see what I did.

The sound is very different from the regular delay time modulation techniques, and it might be a disappointment because I know that classic sound is very popular. But you might find a use for it.

Download it here: ...

My video:
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby R&R » Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:43 am

Nothing fishy here!

Ehh no, I definately smell something fishy... and chipsy :lol:

Cool... Sounds a bit like a crossbreed between a chorus and a room reverb without any decaytime :)
Did you try it with your/any vocoder?

What would happen if you normalize crossfade values and control chained filters somehow as well... becomes more of a strange reverb effect perhaps or just a very highrate modulated sound?

...I know that classic sound is very popular.

Mmm... It's called stagnation, and should be shunned... 8-)
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby Spogg » Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:33 pm

R&R wrote:
Did you try it with your/any vocoder?

No, I only tested with a few different sources, some of which are in the video.

R&R wrote:What would happen if you normalize crossfade values and control chained filters somehow as well... becomes more of a strange reverb effect perhaps or just a very highrate modulated sound?

No idea, but I'm not sure I understand. The cross fade is linear so no normalisation should not be needed.
Of course, feel free to try stuff with it and if you make something interesting I'd be happy to hear it.
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby R&R » Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:58 am

Of course, feel free to try stuff with it and if you make something interesting I'd be happy to hear it.

A noob like me :lol:
Guaranteed if I try changing anything i'm just gonna break it. Too much asm and dsp :D

The cross fade is linear so no normalisation should not be needed.

I have a tendency to misuse the term... I usually mean 0-1 or -0.5..0.5 (stretching it, maybe even -1..1).
In this case I was thinking of crossfade values outputed down the crossfade chain... adjusted to control some filters in series with the crossfade outputs with different offsets (of respective initial freq).

Perhaps they already output 0-1 but that probably has to be adjusted for the filters to work at all, that's what I meant with normalized :) wrong choice of term... my bad.
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby Spogg » Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:06 am

R&R wrote:Edit:
I have a tendency to misuse the term... I usually mean 0-1 or -0.5..0.5 (stretching it, maybe even -1..1).
In this case I was thinking of crossfade values outputed down the crossfade chain... adjusted to control some filters in series with the crossfade outputs with different offsets (of respective initial freq).

If I understand you correctly… if you look inside the Crossfade modules the individual crossfade ASM modules output a value going from 0 to 1 to control the multiplier prims. You could use those outputs for a filter or whatever you want.
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby R&R » Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:06 pm

If I understand you correctly… if you look inside the Crossfade modules the individual crossfade ASM modules output a value going from 0 to 1 to control the multiplier prims. You could use those outputs for a filter or whatever you want.

Had to try it... and... swooosh! broke it... and... in the trashbin my mod went :D

:lol: I'm not cut out for advanced audio stuff so... I better leave such things to real Flowstoners... Ended up turning this nice cod-fish into fermented herring.

I do really like that COD chorus works in mono...
There some character that's part of the time-delay domain that gives a room-reverb/delay sound that I wanted to try and see if I could trick the brain out of... by removing a band... I guess psychoacoustics is a whole other field also that I should keep out of :lol:
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby Spogg » Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:45 am

Yes you’re right about the room-type sound. The delays are set short and each chain has a different base time of 5mS or a bit more. At 5mS the 9th delay in the chain will output a delay of 45mS so, depending on where the scan value is at, the delay will be between 5 and 45mS. The rapid cross-fading of the delays is interpreted by our brain as a spacial rather than mainly temporal effect I think.

I should have mentioned on the video that it sounds much better on headphones, due to the isolation of left and right signals. But I forgot.
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby trogluddite » Sat Dec 17, 2022 1:00 pm

Dammit; couldn't resist breaking my all-time lurking record when I saw the opportunity for a mischevious little trivia dump...

Spogg wrote:a technique I think I invented because I’ve found no mention of it anywhere

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you a little - there is a precedent for this technique. However, I'm not surprised that you haven't come across it before (though there is a certain well-known member here who I'm a tad surprised hasn't chipped in :ugeek: ). Conceptually, it resembles one of the earliest stumbling forays into built-in chorus effects, though sadly it was condemned to obscurity by being crowbarred into one of the most technically inept, commercially disastrous and notoriously awful-sounding instruments of all time. Here's a little article about it... ;)

"Great minds think alike", eh?! Who will you be channelling next? Moog? Buchla? Cristofori? :lol:

Merry Xmas and best wishes for the new year. :D
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Re: The Quilcom COD Chorus: Nothing fishy here!

Postby Spogg » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:43 am

Finally my plan to provoke trog to post something has worked! :lol:

Seriously, it’s great to hear from you again; a much appreciated Christmas present for me.

You know it’s interesting for me because some years ago I read about that Hammond chorus thing but what happened is that the idea of making a scrambling/glitching echo device just came to me from “nowhere”. Messing around with that led me to “discover” the chorus possibilities. For goodness sake, the Hammond thing even has 9 steps too!

Now I feel sympathy for song writers who unconsciously produce material which seems completely original to them (before the copyright litigation starts).

Merry Christmas back at ya!
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