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How best can i simplify "Redraw"?

DSP related issues, mathematics, processing and techniques

Re: How best can i simplify "Redraw"?

Postby Matth23u » Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:36 pm

Could there somehow be a new standard in VST created to allow data exchange between VSTs exported with DSP robotics?
Not only midi, but also text, floats, bools and more.
I imagined a way i could strip midi cc values from 0.00000 to 1 and submit data from a VSt to another with this such as text... Like Morse bips. I could store like... 10 units of information from 0 to 9 in each time frame. But data beyond this would be so useful. Tho, i'm unsure how i would parse the data in and out, on a time line. Say that with 0s and 9s, i would tell a remote VST to create a curve of 10 seconds fading from 3% to 67% and at the same time, fade 2 other controllers from 100% to 0% in 2 seconds, or a quarter/t.
Or it could be a game experiment, with a simple robot on a grid, receiving instructions from a single knob to perform multiple operations like move, x squares, rotate, take object, select x item from storage, place object toward facing direction... With a single knob. I'm pretty sure it's more than doable... And a good experiment... But i'm just dreaming... And that's beyond topic lol...

trogluddite wrote:The little gaps at the edges, I've seen before. My guess is that the anti-aliasing tries to "feather" the edges of the Area rectangle when it's redrawn, leaving a slightly transparent strip of pixels at the edges (especially if it doesn't align exactly with pixel edges). There may be no choice than to draw a colour underneath the controls to prevent this, as it may be a "feature" of the Windows graphics engine that's beyond our control.

Setting the grid color black on exported VSTS would pretty much do, if the software was updated in a way so the raw grid color could be set.

Tho, i'll have to learn a lot more about float arrays... I guess it would be awesome if Flowstone came with a multitude of context examples and more importantly, Exercises with instructions and smaller examples... To understand stuff like array management and pixel array, and stuff about ruby with exercises and lexicons. That'd be great. Tho, right now, i'll have to study float arrays. I'll look on youtube. Understanding that will most probably help me figure out how to achieve all i've mentioned pertaining to setting those knobs with the preset module unit and the "set" wireless transmitter.
I assume that float arrays probably puts a series of float values one next to another separated with commas?

Tho, if you look at the schematic called "prototype" in the files i uploaded pertaining to redraw topic, what would you best suggest to make the whole thing work and use the least components possible?

While i'll press "Submit", i'll head into understanding arrays better. I made some awesome stuff with BUS, automated BUS naming based on wireless String, but that's a whole other topic. Arrays are still abstract to me, but it won't be for long!
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Re: How best can i simplify "Redraw"?

Postby » Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:20 am

Try My latest schematic. It's well beyond par and it has a method to limit the amount of redraws. I also, interestingly used the application of sample and hold's in great number.

There's a great deal of other tweaks as well, especially in the use of trigger blockers.
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Re: How best can i simplify "Redraw"?

Postby trogluddite » Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:52 pm

Matth23u wrote:Could there somehow be a new standard in VST created to allow data exchange between VSTs exported with DSP robotics?

Such data exchange is possible - even between different applications. You can find a prototype where I proved the principle in this post. Unfortunately, as in that example, it requires special arrangements with the operating system to share a block of memory, which (for plugins at least) can only be done by writing a custom C++ DLL. That was a bit of a stretch for my C++ coding abilities at the time, so unfortunately, the example is not really useful in practice without a lot more refinement. It's definitely something I'd like to revisit one day, though - if it can be made easier to use and more robust, it's a feature that I'd love to have.

Matth23u wrote:I assume that float arrays probably puts a series of float values one next to another separated with commas?

You can think of the computer's memory as just being a series of boxes, each one big enough to hold a single number (which might be a float, an integer, the numeric code for a text character etc.) An Array is then just a collection of "boxes", numbered 0, 1, 2, 3... etc. Array links and connectors allow the whole set of boxes to be moved around the schematic as a single unit. The 'Array Set' and 'Array Get' primitives take the index number of a single box so that you can look inside it, or put something inside it, without affecting the contents of the other boxes in the collection.

When creating an Array from a list that we type in (e.g. into a String primitive), or when viewing an Array in text form, the commas are just there to make it clear (to humans!) which digits belong to which number, just the same way that we use commas to separate the items in a list in a written sentence. When making an Array, the computer scans through the list, filling up "boxes" beginning at "box zero" for each item in the list - but in the computer's memory, the commas don't need to be stored, as one "box" can only contain one number, so unlike us humans, it doesn't need any extra help to "see" where the divisions are between adjacent numbers.
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