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Issues with Armcontrol and Crustcrawler

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:53 pm
by boyd
I've seen another old thread with a similar issue, but the advice there hasn't helped me.

As far as I know, I've set up everything correctly. I'm running a Crustcrawler AX-18A arm with a USB2Dynamixel controller. My plan has been to program the robot using the Armcontrol software, but I can't make my arm move with it. The Crustcrawler sample program that has sliders to test the arm makes the joints move, and all the servos have the correct ID's.

When I open Armcontrol, I can choose the type of arm, and it knows which port I'm using, but the light with the port label does not turn on. Whenever I try to move the onscreen arms, nothing happens to my robot.

I've gone over the instructions repeatedly, unplugged and replugged my components, tested the servos with the slider program, but I can't figure out how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Issues with Armcontrol and Crustcrawler

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:12 pm
by edwardotis
Hi, did you ever solve the issue?