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The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby tulamide » Thu Nov 14, 2019 2:54 am

The industry is hopping onto the grain train. And I really want you, Spogg, to watch this video:

It is only a week old! I could swear they grabbed Harvester, took all its features and then just put a more appealing GUI on top. You were 2 years ahead of time!

Maybe it's childish, but while seeing the video, I giggled, and in my mind said things like "Yep, just like Harvester"...
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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby Spogg » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:00 am

Hey thanks for that tulamide. It’s a really cool Harvester! :shock:

One thing I spotted was a shortcoming in the window adjustment system. When changing the window shape, all currently playing grains are affected. There’s no excuse for this because when a grain is created all parameters should go into a sample and hold and the settings should be held until the grain is finished. It just means that DAW automation for that window parameter would sound dead rough and so not be useable.
But that’s a very minor point. The synth is lovely and I was inspired by that distortion effect. I’d never thought of having an adjustable crossover like that.

As you know my UI skills are poor, even though I do try. This is another wonderful example of how to do it well, although of course FS wouldn’t handle the graphical load. I would love to show live displays of modulation from the LFOs etc. I could do it, but the results would be so jerky and laggy and involve huge trigger storms. My current project features 3 parameter modulation LFOs and I haven’t even tried to display the action, because I know what would happen. :cry:

The real beauty of FS is that it allows us to experiment with new ideas easily and quickly, with fast or immediate feedback of results, and that’s my focus.
For example, I was recently able to test my idea of phase scrambling, even though the results were ultimately limited by FS. Someone could take that idea forward and create a “proper” version, and I would love that to happen.

Many thanks again

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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby tulamide » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:48 am

Spogg wrote:I would love to show live displays of modulation from the LFOs etc. I could do it, but the results would be so jerky and laggy and involve huge trigger storms.

I dare to object!
Most of the time it is simply a weong concept that leads to issues you describe. Sometimes I think people are so used to this whole "per sample" editing of audio, that they think it's the normal way for graphics as well. It is not. Nobody needs 441000 samples per second to display an accurate modulation. You have to think the other way around.

"So, my graphic system is able of 25 fps, but let's be safe and go for a maximum of 20 fps. And totally expect frame drops as well. So I won't try to force a constant high frame rate, but instead program a "peeker". Whenever graphics are ready, I peek at the current sample and display it. Or I let the audio engine constantly calculate an average and put that on hold, until it was grabbed for display."

No triggerstorms, no extreme CPU usage, just smooth animations (we humans already make up a smooth movement from just 16 frames per second, we are our own interpolation engine, so to speak).

But as with audio, it requires us to learn about available techniques and how to ,ale use of them in Flowstone. Unfortunately, only a few are willing to, most just concentrate on audio.

But a VST plugin isn't just audio, it's audio + GUI. Neglecting one of them is like building an engine without the rest of a car, but still selling it as a car.

You (now I'm referring just to you, Spogg) always say, "my skills are poor". Your audio skills were poor as well, then you read books, watched tutorials, made a series of trial and error, and finally got it. Would you spent the same energy and passion on the GUI part, you'd be doing lovely eye-candy by now. The truth is, deep inside you simply don't want to do graphics. They are just a distraction from the audio side of things. And all the time it would cost you to make a good GUI - isn't it so much better spent on new audio tricks instead?

I'm not sure you can agree right away. But after a few days you will probably think "that damn provoking tula wasn't so far from the truth after all" :D
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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby Spogg » Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:00 am

I accept what you say is unfortunately all true. :cry:
My focus is on the audio side and, although I rarely come up with an acceptable UI layout, I must stress that I give it a lot more thought these days, and try to follow your previous excellent and welcome advice. Although I accept that I normally fall well short of your hopes and expectations.

As always, if anyone here ever wants to re-skin any of my projects it would be most appreciated. A few have done this to great effect. These days, all my knobs use common wireless bitmaps as do most colours, the idea being to make re-skinning easier.

I’m interested in what you say about live animation I must say.
Could I tempt you to expand on it, maybe in a new topic? I have an idea that this has been discussed here before, so if you know of any relevant topics, a link or links would be most appreciated. :D


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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby MichaelBenjamin » Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:07 pm

Last edited by MichaelBenjamin on Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby tulamide » Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:25 am

Spogg wrote:I must stress that I give it a lot more thought these days, and try to follow your previous excellent and welcome advice. Although I accept that I normally fall well short of your hopes and expectations.
So, your skills aren't poor anymore. But you still use it as an excuse ;)
You don't fall short of my expectations, but the musicians that are supposed to use your plugins.

Spogg wrote:I’m interested in what you say about live animation I must say.
Could I tempt you to expand on it, maybe in a new topic? I have an idea that this has been discussed here before, so if you know of any relevant topics, a link or links would be most appreciated. :D
I also remember it being discussed before, because I was trying to help in that thread for weeks, but failed at getting the user away from the thought that he would need to draw 44100 times per second! My search however was unsuccessful, because I don't remember either the title or keywords. I think about a way to open a new topic on this, without being boring or too repetitive :lol:
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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby Spogg » Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:51 am

MichaelBenjamin wrote:these quilcom youtube demonstration videos are pretty nice, i like them - one suggestion, instead of talking first lets hear an acoustic summary of all the presets used, and then going in detail how each was setup would be my favourite.
nonetheless these instruments are well done and the video gives some nice educational explanation without going into audio bullshit speak at all. very good!

also the visual aspect of audio stuff is totally overblown atm, better have a clear layout in 320x240 pixel with keyboard commands available for everything, than some fancy opengl tube 3d rendered "analogue" fake fluff

I really appreciate your comments Michael, so thank you sir! :D

I’ve been thinking about my videos and what I could do better.
I’ve considered having two parts, or even two videos. The first would be a demonstration of some of the presets which highlight the results specific to the technique I’ve chosen to explore. The other part would be more of a mini-tutorial. The idea being that I don’t think viewers want to watch a 20 minute video showing both, but if they like the sounds they may choose to watch the second part. What do you (and others) think?

tulamide wrote: I think about a way to open a new topic on this, without being boring or too repetitive.

Tulamide, you are never boring or repetitive my friend! :D

I’ve been here for 5 years now and some knowledge just seems to slip away. Any tips, with examples if possible, would be most welcomed by me (and I’m sure others).


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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby MikeRS » Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:55 am

Is there any chance you will make this one work in Alpha?
Would love to toy around with this one.
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Re: The Quilcom Harvester: A polyphonic granular synthesiser

Postby Spogg » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:38 pm

I checked the attached version and tested in the FS4 alpha.
Quilcom Harvester v1.07.fsm
3.06 prepared for FS4 alpha
(9.27 MiB) Downloaded 446 times
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