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make an impulse response convolution

For general discussion related FlowStone

make an impulse response convolution

Postby petertohen123 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:03 am


I try to make an impulse response convolution effect for small Impulse response files (less than 1024 samples)
small files like this are used for simulating guitar cabinets and contain detailed EQ data (mostly) and a tiny reverb tail.

i modified an old synthmaker file called 3386_Convo 8000 - 07.osm

i also modified ConvoRev6c.fsm (by Martin Vicanek and the one modified by KG) that i think is better but it (not only the modified, the original too) produces a strange sound (like low bit resolution sound) every other time something else (like a switch for example) changes

but anyway. the thing is that the first schematic doesnt work properly. i compared their results with other commercial or free convolvers like ignite amps nadir or le pou lecab2 etc and the results are not the same. it seems to mess things up, especially high frequencies

the second schematic results seem closer to other convolvers, but it has that low bit resolution sound every other time. ... -responses
can anyone help with this?

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Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:00 am

Re: make an impulse response convolution

Postby martinvicanek » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:24 am

Hi Peter,

I thought I fixed it here. Is this the version you are having problems with?
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